I hope you’re doing well out there today! Before I begin, yes, I am alive and well! I have had several people ask me why I haven’t been active on Facebook and in email recently.
The reason is simple: I am in full expansion mode and have been very busy creating, developing some new (awesome) stuff, leading a couple great study groups including one with some students I am extremely proud of and of course as always, in the trenches practicing and doing what I preach.
Besides I am not the “This is what I ate for breakfast, here’s a pic of that” type of guy. No offense to those who are, it’s just not me.
Me aside… Let’s get busy.
I am writing today to give you some tips that will help you overcome the complete busy cycle of life. I’ve written extensively in the past on this topic several times. But, instead of a 50 point list I thought it’d be beneficial for you to read just 3 little tips.
This will allow you to make more money and be more productive to help increase your success.
You can look at these as simple useless tips or life changing ones. The choice really comes down to what you want to get out of it.
Productivity Tip #1: Learn, Learn & Act
No, that’s not a typo. I mean LEARN, LEARN and then act.
So what does it mean? Well let’s say you’re learning to do something new i.e. www.niche60.com and you’re going through a lesson and you watch/read it and then take notes.
What I highly suggest is that you watch/read the lesson again shortly afterwards.
This will firmly plant the information into your brain and you can look over the notes you took as well to continue to refresh when you’re implementing what you’ve leaned. This is the “act” part I was speaking of.
I can’t stress this enough and it will also save you time in the long run, because, if you’re like me you’ll want to read it several times anyway to make sure you’re learning properly.
Productivity Tip #2: Most Important Task Wins
A habit (one in which I am guilty of) is too do simple mundane tasks first (like checking email) because they are easy and brainless which take less effort and work.
This is a mistake. What we should all be doing is doing the single most important task FIRST. This forces you to focus and get something done.
The mundane tasks can be done at the end of your day because they are simple and easy.
Forcing yourself out of your comfort zone for a little bit will increase your productivity and profitability.
John Cleese, who is a brilliant writer and overall extremely creative man, has a fantastic saying about this, which is:
“It’s easier to do trivial things that are urgent than it is to do important things that are not urgent; like thinking. It’s also easier to do little things we know we can do than to start on big things that we’re not so sure about.”
What a great quote with a light bit of cheekiness as well!
Productivity #3: Just Freaking Do It!
Procrastination is a business killer and I am willing to bet that every great business leader has suffered from it at one point or another. The difference is the ability to be aware and correct it.
If you don’t attempt to make money online, it’s not going to happen. Sure, it’s not going to be perfect (it still isn’t for me) but by not doing, you’re wasting time.
So first, stop procrastinating on your learning and then take all of that knowledge that you’ve learned and apply it and you’re already 90% ahead of the crowd. Perfect it all later.
A few years ago I sent out an email to my email list and I had a grammatical error in the title. One of my readers gasped in horror and couldn’t believe that someone “so intelligent” (her words) would make such a horrible spelling error.
I kindly wrote back and asked her if she was here for a grammatical lesson or if she would like to make money online, because I can only teach one and I admit I am not a school-book smart individual.
In hindsight I probably should have just let it go, but that mindset drives me nuts. If you’re perfectionist you WILL struggle to meet your goals.
My disdain for that mindset might stem from a teacher I had in school who used to circle spelling and grammatical mistakes in the local newspapers and mail them back to the HQ highlighting their complete incompetence. As a side note, I didn’t do well in that class.
In any event I guarantee spelling and grammar errors will always be present in my work, somewhere.
But, I won’t apologize for it and neither should you. You’re going to make mistakes and making a mistake is better than not doing something at all. Learning is centered around errors and I welcome them.
A fact that every man, woman and child will face is that we all only have 24 hours in a day to do everything we need to do.
Yes, that includes those people we like to idolize and put up on a pedestal. They have the same time dilemma that we all do – it’s how you handle it that makes a difference.
Put these 3 productivity tips to use and I guarantee that you’ll start getting better results.
I have some great new stuff on the horizon and some new teaching that will make a huge difference in the lives of those willing to work and DO IT.
Have a great one my friends and I’ll be writing again soon.