Twitter is a microblogging website, this social site has millions of users including almost each and every celebrity, politicians and sports person.
Everyone is using twitter because of its flexibility of interaction and it makes everything sharable with ease, but I was not using twitter seriously, I have a twitter account from the beginning of my this blog, and also I have my personal twitter account, But I was using just to tweet my post and post on other blogs, but that was my big mistakes.
I discussed with Amit Shaw and Ehsan, about twitter and how can I get much maximum benefit from my twitter profile, they helped me in my each and every query, after few discussions I started my work on twitter.
It means I was wasting my most of time on Facebook to promote my posts where twitter does this easily without that much effort.
Share Great Content
Your content is the key to get traffic from your tweets, if you are just tweeting like normal users it will not affect you, but if you tweet in some attractive way then you will surely get attention among all other tweets in the field, create great content and then share it in unique ways.
Tweet only if you find the tweet most useful, never tweet only because someone else is tweeting your tweet, that may kill your following on twitter.
Connect with others
Twitter is a Social networking, and you know the meaning of networking, so you have to connect with other Twitter users to get more benefit from twitters,it’s very easy to make relations and create connections with other Twitter users , it’s very powerful for making the community around your Business.
Another benefit is that, You are using the same site use by celebrities and all popular people in the world, so you can easily connect with them and also you can get their appreciation on your tweets.
Always follow people who belong to your blog and business and you are relate to you directly or indirectly.
@Mention Others in your Tweet
Mention feature is the one of the great feature of twitter, a mention on perfect timing can give you thousands of return visitors only from one tweet, for example you are writing a post about Bill Gates and bill gates found your post awesome, and if you get a retweet from Bill gates then you can just imagine how many retweets you will get, and same thousands of big names following bill gates and they retweet that post again, then your tweet will spread on the whole twitter network and you will get tons of visitors.
But don’t misuse this feature, if your post really worth reading and your post relates to that person, then mention those big names in your tweet, otherwise you are just spamming twitter to try your luck to get a retweet.
Use Twitter Tools
Twitter is a very simple website in use, but you can make it easier by using twitter tools, there are many Twitter tools available those twitter applications help you to use twitter as a power user, you can do many tasks from those applications like bulk reply, automate your tweets, bulk unfollow tool, and twitter management.
Some of them are Just Retweet, twitter Deck , commun.it.
Use Hash Tags Properly
#Tags are very important for a tweet, whenever people search something on twitter mostly twitter search first for hash tags and then mention after that keywords, so if you are using hash tags and someone search a particular topic on twitter and you have that hash tag in your tweet, then you will get traffic.
Example : #Socialmedia, #howto , #BlogTips ,#SEO
You might have noticed the trending topics on twitter, those topics are hot on twitter and millions of people are tweeting on that topic you should also join trending topics and tweet about that topic to get some benefits may be as new followers of retweets.
Start Conversation in Tweets
Conversations are always catchy and if your discussion is convertretial and important then everyone love to read them,when you start a conversation with someone on twitter, people will love to read and also they can join the conversation and while interacting always use hash Tags and mentions to get maximum benefits from the a twitter conversation.
You can ask a question to start a conversation or you can discuss some ideas with a few people and many bloggers use Twitter to discuss topics, because they get attention and lots of followers in return.